
Posting and the task of what, when, and how often to post can often be a challenge. This challenge magnifies when aiming for the creation and sharing of content that not only speaks to the audience but also stays true to the brand’s voice and message. Our structured approach to social media posting. This DIY guide aims to walk you through a simple framework to ensure a consistent and engaging social media presence.

Why do you need for a structured approach?

Much like planning a travel itinerary, having a structured approach to social media posting can help save time, reduce stress, and improve the overall effectiveness of your social media strategy. If you recognize this, the next chapters will give you tools to avoid this.

Benefits of a Structured Approach

  • Predictability: Know what and when to post.
  • Efficiency: Save time and resources by planning ahead.
  • Consistency: Maintain a consistent brand voice and message.
  • Engagement: Improved engagement through relevant and timely posts.

Step 1: Laying the Foundation

The first step towards a structured posting routine begins with a clear understanding of your brand’s unique voice, the topics you want to delve into, and the kind of content that resonates with your audience.

Brand Voice

Your brand voice is the unique tone and style in which you communicate with your audience. It should be consistent across all your social media platforms to build a recognizable and reliable brand image. Learn more about honing your unique brand voice.

Topics and Themes

Deciding on the topics and themes for your posts is crucial. It’s about finding a balance between what you want to talk about and what your audience wants to hear.

Understanding Your Audience

Understanding your audience is the cornerstone for creating content that resonates with them. It’s essential to know who they are, what interests them, and how they interact with your brand on social media.

By researching this, you’re setting the stage for a well-structured social media posting routine that will help keep your brand’s online presence active, engaging, and on-point.

Step 2: Setting up Your Social Media Posting Framework

Establishing a framework for your social media posts is like having a roadmap for your content journey. It not only gives a clear direction but also ensures that you are well-prepared for events and daily interactions. Think of how many times a week you will be posting. What kind of information or content in which kind of tone. Which templates you will use, etc. You can start small on this, or jump in and do multiple posts a day. Up to you.

Daily Posting Schedule

Creating a daily posting schedule is important to keep your audience engaged. Here’s an example table to help you plan your weekly posts:

MondayHow-To (problem solve)Instagram
TuesdayClient success storyTwitter
ThursdayEvent informationInstagram
FridayInform about your service/productTwitter
SaturdayArticle breakdownFacebook
SundayCommunity SpotlightAll Platforms

Planning for Events and Holidays

Special events, holidays, and promotions offer a great opportunity to create themed content that resonates with your audience. Mark these dates on your content calendar to prepare engaging posts in advance.

Step 3: Crafting a Content Calendar

A content calendar is your master tool in organizing what to post, when, and where. While keeping all information central. When done digitally it can serve to collect notes, link and topic ideas. That’s why we recommend a digital calendar, so it’s always close.

Tools for Creating a Content Calendar

There are several tools you can use to create and manage your content calendar. Here are some of our recommendations:

  • Notion (free): A note-taking app with a built-in calendar feature. Notion has a calendar function for main topics. And is good for writing out content.
  • Google Sheets: A simple, shareable solution with real-time updates. Super handy for team collaboration. It’s free to use. Use our free template.
  • Metricool (free for one brand): An all-in-one platform to plan, analyze, and automate your social media posts. This tool can auto-publish posts. Providing ease of mind. Metricool can be a follow up tool to copy content to and schedule it for auto posting. Basically allowing batch posting.

What to Include in Your Content Calendar

We recommend keeping it simple. And using dedicated content apps to actually write out the content in.
Platforms like Notion, Google Docs. Your content calendar should include at least the following details for each day:

Content DetailDescription
DateWhen will the post be published?
PlatformWhere will it be published?
Theme/TopicWhat is the focus of the post?
Content TypeImage, video, blog post, etc.

With a well-organized content calendar, you have a clear overview of your social media activities, making the posting process smooth and effective.

Step 4: Additional Resources

Further improve and support your social media strategy with these additional resources: